Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Term 1 Reading Rockstars

Well done boys.   It didn't take much to win the end of term prize.   I hope you enjoy the books.
Andy Griffiths is great!
The whole class knew there would be a prize for the top readers.  To be a top reader you need to have the highest homework reading score for the term.  

I wonder who will win the Term 2 prize.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Reading ownership

We are learning to take ownership of our learning.  We are using Tellagami to record our reading.
We need to be sensible and not spend lots of time creating a character.  Once we have recorded our reading we will listen to it and assess our work. We will come up with our own two stars and a wish.  Once we feel we have mastered the wish, we can record ourselves again and decide on new two stars and a wish.

You will get to see more of our 'Gami' on the blog.  Here is a sample...

Turangi fisher man

The silhouette sculpture of an angler greets everyone passing through the Trout fishing capital of Turangi.The successful Angler is holding a fly rod in one hand and reaching down with a net  to retrieve his catch with the other hand.The sculpture was placed here to acknowledge the town's reputation as Trout fishing capital of the world.The sculpture was created from a steel sheet by local craftsman.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Olivia is a Word Star!

Fantastic word families, Olivia.  Keep it up

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gala Day

It is Manchester's Gala Day on Sunday the 13th.  Please come along and have some fun.

This Friday is Enviro day. Wear gardening clothes and prepare to enjoy yourself.

Buddy time

For buddy time last week we made a lava lamp and electricity.  It was a lot of fun.  Mr Ward made the lava lamp -we didn't know oil floats.  We all mad electricity unsung balloonns and our hair.  Mr bell gave us some fluorescent tubes to use.  It was great watching the bulbs light up.  Ask us what we did and how it worked - hopefully we can remember

Super Swimmers

Year 4 boys and year3 boys and girls

Fantastic students

The year4 girls received their swimming certificates - Swimming sports was a great day.  We'll done to Brodie and Stevie for working hard and receiving certificates for awesome efforts in the classroom