Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weetbix Athlete

We were waiting for the race to begin.  Then we started the race. Lindsey did the swiming.  I gave him his bag before I started the biking.  When I finished we both ran together.  I felt tired at the end but I got a medal and a drink.  It was a great day.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kellan and Charlotte's research on Goverment garden Muesen

The Muesem known as Goverment gardens this is how Kellan figured it out!
1. I talked about the picture with mum and dad
2. I drew a sketch of what I saw in class.              
3. I searched on google for landmark white building New Zealand.
4. I looked at the pictures and found that looked like the one in class
5. I printed the pictures and checked them in class and it was the right place.
6. It is a pictures of the rotorua Muesem 
7. It is in the north island of New Zealand, above Lake Taupo

Kellan' research about the foxton windmill

Once I went  inside the windmill in foxton. There were a lot of trapdoor, the trapdoors were massive. They were painted white. They looked very old. The trapdoors had a few scratches on them. The windmill had a few bags of flour, the bags were white. The four blades on the windmill were massive.there was A lot of wire on the windmill.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 6 Certificates

We'll done, nifty learners.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Kellan's research 3rd March

1. I did a google search takahe icon.  I need to use better words.
2. I did a google search for takahe sculpture.  The right picture came up.
3. I went to the following web page TeAnau -Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
4.the sculpture is in Te Anau, which is in the South Island.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sharing Friday

During sharing we need to
Sit quietly,  look at the person talking, stop fiddling and ask questions.
  We will get better with more practice

Music with Mrs Beckers

We are learning the key competency 'managing ourselves' and to keep the rhythm

Thanks Mrs Beckers.  We had so much fun.

Tidy desk day

Dante wins Tidy Toad.   We'll done

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Oral language from Dogonews

We thought about what whimsical things we would like to create...
Olivia - create ice-cream store.
Charlotte - a house made out of coins
Phil - rainbow towel that lights up when it is wet
Indie - dinosaur where you glow when you are inside it.

We had lots more ideas

Monday, March 3, 2014


Cicadas have heps of body parts like forrax , beak , vertey , gule like legs Hoks on legs.

This post was created by Alex B.  He researched Cicadas at home.    You have found some interesting information, Alex.  I would like to know what forrax and vertey are.  Are you able to find out?

Otorohanga , Waikato nz

 Otorohanga is a north king country town at the  southern end of the Waikato region. in the North island of New Zealand . 

By Alex B &  kellan

Well Done, Alex and Kellan.  You are fantastic researchers.  I wonder if you will be able to find out anything about this weeks photo.  

Week 4 tidiest desk